We believe the Great Commission is for everyone.

How many times have you wished you had an effective way to share your faith
but were silent because you didn’t know how?

This Fall when we start up the FAMILY NIGHT schedule we will have a wonderful
Adult Elective for our Fellowship!

The Go & Tell: Great Commission Study is a 7-session study that equips you
to Delight in God, Declare the Gospel and Make Disciples who will in turn make
disciples. This study is perfect for individuals and small groups who want to live
out the Great Commission.

Pastor Ken and Gregg Shewan will team-teach the series. The teaching was
developed by CRC Pastor, Rev. Jim Halstead. This training is being used all over
the USA and Internationally! Here’s a testimonial from one church:

The Great Commission study was a great reminder that our work to reach others
for Christ is led by the Spirit, propelled by prayer for the lost, and sustained by a
relationship with Christ. This isn’t another thing to add to the list of to-dos in our
lives, it’s something we do as we are already living out our lives. It’s about being
intentional where God has placed us, no matter where we are or who we interact
with. We were thrilled to take this study together as preparation for sharing the
Gospel and serving to equip others to do the same.”

Tucker & Anna Germain, St. Joe Community Church, Ft. Wayne, IN