Dear Fellowship Family,

Out of concern for our friends, families, and communities during this recent spike in Coronavirus cases the council has decided to suspend all in-person worship and group gatherings at Fellowship Church through December 7 th when council will meet and re-evaluate needs and plans. That includes all in-person worship services, Bible studies, small groups and committee meetings that normally meet in the church building. We seek to honor the recent emergency order from Michigan’s Department of Health and Human services (11-15-2020)  which severely limits in-person indoor gatherings for the purpose of limiting the spread of this potentially deadly virus.

It is frustrating and disappointing for all of us to have to do this again. But in doing so we are demonstrating our love for our neighbors and especially the most vulnerable ones (Matthew 22:39). By wearing masks, remaining socially distant, and limiting our group numbers we are both honoring the spirit and intent of these emergency orders and following Romans 13 which calls us to “submit to governing authorities” who are “God’s servant to do you good” (Romans 13:1,4).

And once again, as we pause our in-person gatherings for three weeks, we do not stop loving each other and we do not stop loving and worshiping our awesome Triune God. Elders and deacons will be reaching out to you and praying for you. And you are encouraged to reach out to them and pray for them as well. Worship services will be livestreamed on Fellowship’s YouTube channel during the regular Sunday morning time of 10:30 a.m. and will be recorded immediately for viewing at a later time. And you may continue to give your tithes and offerings through our PayPal account with the link on our website or through the mail or dropping a gift off at the church. The church remains open for people to drop off and pick up items. Also, please remember Operation Christmas Child boxes are due this Sunday! So, please bring your boxes to church by Sunday, November 22.

Fellowship CRC’s YouTube Channel (Worship Service 10:30 a.m.)

Fellowship’s Website

Fellowship’s Facebook Page

Pastor Ken and your council are praying for you and we ask for your prayers as well. And let us also join together in prayer for the end of this pandemic in our nation and for those hurt by the pandemic and impacted by the emergency orders. Let us pray for the spiritual life, peace and unity of our church, community, and nation. And please don’t hesitate to reach out to your district elder and deacon with questions or concerns as we all navigate change in these challenging times.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Ken