The award-winning January Series of Calvin University is coming to Big Rapids. From Jan. 8 through Jan. 28, 2020, Fellowship Christian Reformed Church will broadcast one of the nation’s leading lecture and cultural arts series.

Ann Compton, a 41-year veteran of the White house press corps who covered seven presidents during her tenure; Mitch Albom, an author, columnist, radio host, and philanthropist whose books have sold over 39 million copies and been translated into more than 45 languages; and Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist at NYU whose last two books were New York Times best-sellers, are among the impressive lineup of speakers.

The 15 speakers will offer informed perspectives on a wide range of today’s most relevant topics, including poverty and hunger, the global water crisis, immigration, mass incarceration, religious freedom, and big data’s inequality and threat to democracy. For a full list of speakers and topics, visit